Monday, June 25, 2018

Rehab Without Walls

I decided, with my family, to get Rehab Without Walls instead of the usual outpatient therapy after I was discharged from Texas NueroRehab Center. Of course I couldn’t start immediately, something about dying twice in January. So I started in February and got 5 intense months of therapy.

Rehab Without Walls therapists come to you and teach you about being safe in your home and the community. When I started with Rehab Without Walls I couldn’t transfer between chairs without help and walking was minimal. My speech was very breathy and I was struggling with a lot of words. I depended on Walter and my parents a lot.  

 My therapists loved to challenge me. Once I made progress with my speech and voice, my speech therapist talked me into giving a speech on computer security to the LEAD Group (Learn, Empower, Advocate, & Do). The group is for clients, former clients and the therapists. I think the therapists got as much, if not more, than the clients did when I spoke. This blog is another idea of my speech therapist. She thinks my stories are funny and entertaining. I don’t know, is dying twice funny? I kid a lot about dying but seriously if I look at it differently I get very scared. I’m not ready to die, I’ve got a lot I want to do even with my physical disability. My mind (and humor) are as sharp as ever.

My physical therapist and occupational therapist also challenged me. My OT got me cooking again. First I scrambled an egg (one handed cracking is not easy). Then I cooked chili (not from a can but from scratch) and for desert I made my famous pear cobbler. She even got me to ride one of those electric carts in the grocery store after Walter said I need to try them.

As I got stronger my PT had me walking as much as possible, including walking into an antique shop to do a scavenger hunt. This store had narrow alleys with stuff everywhere.  I walked through it a couple of times, & stood for about 45 minutes. That is a record for me! The accomplishment I am most proud of is just last week I climbed the stairs in my house. Walter now has to clean his office (our old bedroom).  

This is my last week with them (Boohoo). These therapists have been my best friends for the last five months and I am going to miss them.

Rehab Without Walls is a national company.

I highly recommend Rehab Without Walls, here is the letter I gave them.

June 10, 2018

To whom it may concern:

It’s my absolute pleasure to recommend Rehab Without Walls.

On July 26, 2017 I suffered a stroke that paralyzed my right side. I thoroughly enjoyed the five months working with them and came to know the therapists, Gail Wagner, Callie Crain, Amy Doran, and Meredith Emmons, as truly valuable assets to any client. 

Rehab Without Walls has a very unique concept in that the therapists come to your home and teach you how to live with your disability.

The therapists’ knowledge and expertise was a huge advantage to me. They gave me the strength and courage to do things I couldn’t see myself doing.

Along with the therapists’ undeniable talents, they have always been an absolute joy to work with. All the therapists are team players and always manage to foster positive attitude bringing the best out of their clients. 

Without a doubt, I confidently recommend Rehab Without Walls for your Neuro Therapy.

Please feel free to contact me at (512) 635-3515 should you like to discuss their qualifications and experience further. I’d be happy to expand on my recommendation.

Best wishes,

Amanda Kirton
Georgetown, Texas

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