Thursday, June 14, 2018

I Died Twice!

January 6, 2018 was just like any other day, I got up, peed, & cleaned my teeth. After I cleaned my teeth I thought I would just go to sleep. Walter found me in the bathroom, unconscious, slumped over my wheelchair, within 10 minutes. He immediately called 911 & I was rushed to the hospital. Again bells & whistles but I wasn’t awake.

In the emergency room things got fun. I had not one but two cardiac arrests. The doctor told my family that my prognosis wasn’t good (but that doctor doesn’t know me!). The doctor put me in a medical coma or as my dad says “they gave you Michael Jackson juice”.

The next day I awoke, the nurse removed the mask from my mouth and the first thing I said was “I don’t know what all the fuss is”. Course I didn’t like my black & blue chest, it hurt. The ER nurse that did CPR on me heard that I was awake and came to see me. By then I was fully awake and as sassy as can be. After all I died twice.

My diagnosis was pulmonary embolism, in other words I had a blood clot in my lung. I was given blood thinners just to make my chest look worse (more bruises). In order to discharge I had to have a PT/INR of 2.0 to 2.5. It took a few days to reach 2.0.

This hospital stay was just under two weeks. One week ICU and one in a regular room. The neat thing was one day I had Amanda, the tech, Amanda, the nurse, and I was Amanda, the patient. We were the three Amandas.

I got discharged January 18, 2018 and I told Walter I’m done with hospitals. I spent six months in one or the other hospital.

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